Monday 3 December 2012

Below are the rankings for Top 10 Best Film Production Company of Bollywood (Hindi Movies only).
Rankings are based upon the no. of votes each Banner received from public voting on this site.
Total Votes: 5067 (over a period of 12 Days)

     #10 - Vishesh Films
  Votes: 95 (1%)

     #9 - Vinod Chopra Productions
  Votes: 150 (2%)

     #8 - T-Series
  Votes: 166 (3%)

     #7 - Eros International
  Votes: 171 (3%)

     #6 - Reliance Entertainment
  Votes: 195 (3%)

     #5 - UTV Motion Pictures
  Votes: 229 (4%)

     #4 - Dharma Productions
  Votes: 233 (4%)

     #3 - Red Chillies Entertainment
  Votes: 647 (12%)

     #2 - Aamir Khan Productions
  Votes: 843 (16%)

     #1 - Yash Raj Films
  Votes: 1860 (36%)

20 Banners were Nominated.

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